123 south main street

There seems to be confusion or a discrepancy in the address you’ve provided because “123 South Main Street” in Mineola, NY, does not appear directly in the search results or typical public records. However, here’s what we can infer and suggest based on the information available:
  • Mineola Addresses: The specific address “123 South Main Street” in Mineola, NY, isn’t listed in the provided web results. This might mean it’s not a public property or business location, or the address might be incorrect or outdated.
  • Similar Addresses: There are mentions of properties on Main Street in Mineola, but they are different from “123 South Main Street”. For example:
    • Davenport Press Restaurant is located at 70 Main St, Mineola, NY 11501.
    • Seafield Center has an address at 110 Main Street, Mineola, NY 11501.
    • There are also residential and commercial properties along Main Street, but none specifically match the address you’re seeking.
  • General Information:
    • Main Street in Mineola is central to the village’s business and cultural activities. It has been historically significant, with references to it being a hub for farmers and the business community in the past.
    • The area around Main Street includes various amenities like restaurants, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, making it a bustling part of Mineola.
  • Recommendations:
    • If you’re looking for information about a specific property or business at this address, it might be beneficial to check local property records, contact the Mineola Village Hall, or use a different property search tool or service for more precise information.
    • If “South Main Street” refers to a part of Main Street that isn’t explicitly documented as “South” in public records or local naming conventions, there might be a need to clarify the exact location or check if the address is known under a different name or number.
  • Web Search: If you’re after detailed property information, you might want to perform a specific web search for “123 South Main Street Mineola NY” to see if any more recent or local sources provide the information you’re seeking.
If this address is indeed part of Mineola, it would be in a vibrant area with access to public transportation via the Mineola LIRR station, close to shopping, dining, and community services. However, without direct corroboration in the provided search results, further verification might be necessary.

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